Rose and Cardamom Bath Salts

Before we say goodbye to summer in 2019 and dive into all things fall, I’d like to share this recipe that you can use any time of the year: Rose and Cardamom Bath Salts.

Bath salts are great to use when you have achy or sore muscles, after a reiki healing session, or when you need some quality time to yourself. The scientific benefits of Epsom salt baths have not been proven, however, salt is used in witchcraft for cleansing your personal energy field and protection. For more on that, check out my guide on making your own protection salt.

This recipe in particular is one of my favorites. Roses are not only good for the skin, they bring in the energy of love, which is especially helpful after a reiki healing session. Since so much energy is flowing through the body, it can make a difference to recuperate in a warm bath with the essence of love.

In the past I’ve been guided to make this for myself and some of my reiki clients, which is why I am sharing this recipe with all of you! I added cardamom because it smells wonderful and adds a bit of passion, but if you don’t feel comfortable adding it in, you can always make a simple bath salt mixture with just Epsom Salts and dried roses.

Now let’s get into the properties of each of these ingredients. The information below comes from The Hearth Witch’s Compendium: Magical and Natural Living for Every Day by Anna Franklin.


Rose relates to all aspects of rebirth, resurrection, funerals, memorials, initiations, luck, love, passion, sexuality, sensuality, seduction, and marriage. It’s astringent, toning, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and promotes new cell growth. It can be good for aging, dry, and sensitive skin, and can help to rehydrate and smooth the skin.


Cardamom relates to all aspects love, passion, and lust. It’s ruled by Venus, the planet of love.

Both of these ingredients are ruled by the element of water, which is a feminine energy and relates well to a warm bath.


Rose and Cardamom Bath Salts

1 cup Epsom Salt

5 dried Roses

1 tsp ground Cardamom

Pull the petals off of the dried rose stems and either chop finely or grind in a spice grinder. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir thoroughly. If you want more roses or cardamom, add more to your liking. Place either in a satchel or directly into a hot bath. Stir the ingredients in your bathwater until the salt has dissolved, and relax in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

Have some questions about love? You can book a tarot reading with me, Kajora Lovely! I do tarot readings over the phone, in emails, or in person in the Los Angeles area. You can learn about rates here and email me at to book!


Rose and Cardamom Love Sugar Scrub

How to Make Your Own Protection Salt

Purification and Protection Sugar Scrub

Lavender and Lemon Sugar Scrub