Retrograde Season Reading

The planet Mercury might have just gone direct, but right now we’re entering into the thick of Retrograde Season. When a planet goes retrograde, it means that from our position on Earth, it looks as if the planet has stopped moving. In reality, planets never stop moving around the Sun, but the way planets interact with one another constantly influences us. Some astrologers view retrogrades as a time of illusions, but some retrogrades can also bring about new revelations and insights. 

While Retrograde Season doesn’t have any specific dates, it relates to a time frame when many planets are retrograde at the same time. For 2021, that’s from roughly late June to early October. Here’s a look at the retrogrades we’re experiencing right now:

Pluto: April 27 - October 7 

Saturn: May 23 - October 11 

Jupiter: June 20 - October 18 

Neptune: June 25 - December 1

Chiron: July 15 - December 19 

Uranus: August 15 - January 1, 2022

With all these planetary retrogrades combined, these influences can feel like we’re seeing this in a more narrow or constricted way, or feel as if some opportunities slip away, but at the same time, we can feel as if we’re seeing certain things clearly or find some doors opening in front of us. 

It’s a time to listen to not only your intuition, but to your gut instincts and personal moral compass. Overall we’re all going through a lot of changes this year, and it can feel like we’re being redirected to new, exciting, and also intimidating things. 

Retrograde Season Reading

To help you through this time, I’m offering a Retrograde Season reading that uses a combination of channeled messages and tarot cards that explores the following questions: 

  • What is going on in your life right now that is actually a blessing in disguise? 

  • How can you use this time for your greatest benefit? 

  • What new opportunities are you meant to explore at this time? 

This reading is 30 minutes long and can be done over Zoom, Skype, phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It is $70, which can be paid through either Venmo or PayPal. To book your Retrograde Season reading, email


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