Don't Be Afraid Of Who You Are

The last couple days I've been listening to songs from Frozen, and I forgot just how amazing the lyrics are to "Let It Go," which is why I think it's so popular. When they won an Academy Award for best song, the songwriters said they wrote it for their daughters, who they never wanted to feel shame or fear because of their own gifts.

In case you need a refresher, here’s a look at the full song:

The Energy Right Now

We're in an intense energy right now, which is combining the last Mercury Retrograde of the year, a waning moon leading up to the last New Moon of the year, and Chiron, the "wounded healer" dwarf planet, goes direct on December 9. There’s been a lot of planetary activity this year, and while that can be a lesson in perspective, it’s also been affecting us in a way that’s difficult to express.

When planets are retrograde, they appear to have come to a complete standstill from our viewpoint on Earth. Mercury goes retrograde three times a year, and this its final retrograde of the year. The planet technically goes direct (starts moving again) on December 6, but will not be out of its shadow period (moving at its normal speed) until December 24. Since Mercury rules communication, it can get wonky at this time and things from the past can resurface.

The dwarf planet Chiron finishes its retrograde on December 9, and it went retrograde on July 4. This retrograde brings up a lot of old hurts and feelings, giving us opportunities to heal and create new associations with pains of the past.

The Phases of the Moon

We start December 2018 with a waning moon, which is a time for releasing and shedding. We experience the Dark Moon at the end of this period, when the Sun shines zero light upon the moon. Then there is the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7, which is a time to start anew and set intentions for the future if we so desire.

After that, we’re in a waxing moon period, meaning the energy is growing, which is a time for creating new things and building. Once we reach the Full Moon, we’ve culminated that energy and it’s a great time to start releasing again. This month the Full Moon falls on December 22, which means we will end the year on a waning moon—a time for releases.

See the theme here? Releases, new intentions, and healing.

There's a big question coming up for each of us: who & what is going to be cut out of your life this month? Who or what is making the cut, is worth fighting for and bringing with you into the new year? This came up in just about every reading I did on YouTube for the month of December, which means we’re meant to make some hard choices going into the new year.

What This Means For You

It feels like we’re making steps forward into the next chapter of our individual journeys. This relates to our spiritual, business, and personal lives, and so it makes sense that we’re being called to purge everything that no longer serves our true selves or our true purpose.

The song “Let It Go” is about releasing our fears that we can flex our abilities in the real world, that we can show others who we truly are without fear of punishment or scrutiny. For many of us, practicing our spiritual beliefs out in the open can feel like an act of rebellion. Showing our abilities, our magic, what we’re truly capable of, can feel scary. So many faiths have been persecuted, its practitioners tortured, brutalized, shunned, and killed for believing in something, practicing something deemed heathenistic, ungodly, or sinful.

This doesn’t only relate to our specific rituals or practices, but it also gets to the root of who we are. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve seen several past lives where I was tortured, chained to walls, dragged through the woods by my hair, and burned at the stake for practicing a belief that came naturally to me. As a result, my soul was angry and decided to turn away from my abilities, and in the subsequent lives I did not use my intuition and kept dying at a very young age, and often in a brutal way.

My own lesson for this lifetime has been to move beyond that fear, anger, and resentment of the past to embrace my abilities and use them as I was meant to. Right now “Let It Go” speaks to my own history, and my choice to release the past and move forward with my own version of “Here I stand, and here I stay.” I do not think these feelings are unique to me alone because I’ve noticed how this concept is influencing the people around me as well. Each of us is on our own path and has their own unique history, and will also be stepping through their own lessons and into their own true purpose.

It seems like we're coming into the theme of "Let It Go": What do you need to shed? What façades, secrets, lies, & false appearances need to disappear? If you've been hiding yourself, your abilities, or your true potential in a locked room of your own, how can you open the door and emerge as yourself?

Your abilities, strengths, flaws, personality, obstacles, challenges, and your personal history have combined to develop the perfect storm of who you are. That person exists for your true purpose in this life. Be you, choose you, release you into the world because the real truth is that there is no other you. 


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